Getting my nails done with my mom

Chapter 1 Me and my Mom are getting Acrylic nails in Sedalia Friday and there going to look pretty but  my friend Haley really wants to come and help me find a pretty color and design for my Acrylic nails but I asked my mom if I could get my nails done with her but my mom told my dad and my dad lied and said he had plans with me but he really didn’t but he was just really jelly that me and my mom were getting our nails done and but he wasn’t going to get his nails done he was just going to watch me get my nails done and they have clear nail polish that they put on men on there toes and my grandpa day gets his nails done all the time with my cousin Iyan but he did not listen to me at all he said that he is just going to watch me and he is just going to record me so like when ever I am gone off to college in Las Vegas with Haley but he just wants to make a memory book or something before I leave off to college far far away from Marshall Missouri but yeah me and my mom are going to Sedalia to the nail shop by Payless and I figured out what color I want to get and I am going to get a galaxy color and it’s going to look cool pretty and beautiful because galaxy colors look really cool and awesome and that is why I am getting the galaxy colors and I am getting a highlight green with a S on it because the first letter in my name start’s with a S cause my first name is Sian so yeah and I enjoyed spending my time with you so by have a wonderful day the end.