I am so upset

I am so upset because. My grandpa Charlie is in the hospital right now. So what happen was he was at a church then he wasn’t really feeling good so he. Went to his doctor to see what was wrong. And the doctor said that…

Last Weekend

When my mom and her sister’s left to Las Vegas I was so so mad because. My mom left me in Marshall with my dad and my bad sister. Victoria and my brother left to but on Saturday my dad threw a little party. For…

If I could be on T.V.

If I could be on a movie I would be so happy and I would get paid allot of money. And right after you are on a movie you get interviewed and famous. Then people want you to get in there movies then. I would…

What I really want to be when I grow up is…

What I really want to be when I grow up is a Model because I think that I am really beautiful and. I used to do Beauty Pajints and I know how to. Walk down the Runway and everything. And something else I really want to…

On Friday

On Friday After school I will be going to my cousins funeral he died. Because of his diabetes and he died in the same room that my aunt. Sisilia died in and he was one of the grand kids but we. Are also worried because…

When I turn 19

When I turn 19 I will get a tattoo on my arm that says. Haley on it. And one on my leg that says Jazielee on it to. And I will go and move to. California and go shopping allot and. Party like 247 I…

When I started doing beauty Paginates

When I first started doing beauty Paginates was when. I was 2 years old my first one was in California then I won. Then the second time I did it. I won again I was just like the greatest one there so I just kept…

The first time I started rapping

When I first started rapping was when. I was 4 yeas old and I went to my dad and asked him if. I could rap and so he sad yeah and so the next day we were in the car. And he found a beat so….

When I get older I will be a

I will be a Model in New York and in California. AND I will be a actor in Hollywood. And I will be a rapper with Cardi B in N.Y.C  C.A  L.A  A.T.L . 

Something good that happened to me Saturday

Was I got a brand knew bunk bed and the top is mine but the bottom is my sisters but the bottom has. A desk and two couches but the desk goes down on the stairs and the two. Couches come together and make a…